In this description of the degradation of life conditions on Earth, Ana Lucia Mercê brings to the reader's attention many relegated but nonetheless important everyday processes and products that may have relation to the spreading of many so-called "genetic" diseases.
Subjects covered begin with the historical aspects of the "race" to map the DNA, followed by Genetics, Genotoxic agents and Environmental accidents that may be influencing our Epigenetic and closing with a description of the role of the water.
Keeping true with the objective of making the text more accessible for a wide spectrum of readers, with or without a scientific background or prior knowledge, special attention has been given to present the Quantum Science, Chemistry related concepts included, as interactive and as friendly to the reader as possible. By more easily understanding these concepts, it is hoped that the reader will be able to make better life decisions where these concepts can play a significant role.
Environmental Degradation and Life
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AUTORA: Ana Lucia Ramalho Mercê
eBook em inglês