# Let's co-create a Collective Christic Consciousness through a Book Club through Initiation Knowledge research.
Why is this book club so special?

Welcome !
... missing link - chromosome 2 fused in man...
The era before Jesus Christ... The Essenes
"The first humanity was Essene, that is to say it was united with God. It lived in his omnipresence until certain beings detached themselves from it to individualize themselves and recreate a world cut off from the kingdom of God. This was the fall of humanity.
Enoch was the first man commissioned by God to rise from the fall and to renew dialogue and alliance with the divine world. Through this alliance with the higher worlds, he engendered an entire civilization in the service of God. This is why Enoch is considered the father of the Essene tradition and of all traditions. He was the first man to renew contact with the divine world on earth and establish his reign there..."
(La tradition Essénienne, access 31/10/2024)
Library of Alexandria: Burned by Julius Caesar in 47/48 BC. Attacked again in 364 AD and 642 AD by Muslim Arab armies.
In 415 AD, the custodian of what was left of the Library of Alexandria. In another attempt to destroy it, Hypatia, the great mathematician and astronomer of her time, was murdered by a mob led by Peter the Lector in March 415 AD. (https://www.smithsonianmag.com/history/hypatia-ancient-alexandrias-great-female-scholar-10942888/)
The first decades after J.C...
Rome and its empire are omnipresent in Europe and the Middle East. Massacres and persecutions multiply especially for converts to Christianity. Escaping from persecution, Mary Magdalene traveled "across the desert to arrive at Cairo, then Alexandria... Greek islands... Portugal... United Kingdom... Scotland, Normandy, Versailles, Chartres, Paris, Burgundy, Avignon, Arles... Languedoc, where she settled." (Guard Anna, Nolla Antoine. Marie Magdalene, Cathares et Templiers. 2021.)
​"Mary Magdalene is not what most believers think... Sinner was a term that was attributed to women who did not embrace the Jewish religion... The word "prostitute" was attributed to priestesses of the temple of Isis, of Inanna..." (Guard Anna, Nolla Antoine. Marie Magdalene, Cathares et Templiers. 2021.)
There is a great correlation between the Essenes, the Cathar religion and the teachings of Yeshua...
In the 14th century, 80% of English adults did not even know how to spell their name... When Johannes Gutenberg invented the printing press...
Over 2,000 years old, fragments of parchment scrolls were discovered in 1947 by Bedouins in a cave at Khirbet Qumran. The first seven scrolls found were kept in clay pots. By 1956, 10 more caves had been discovered. Other manuscripts dating back about 2,000 years were also found. All the books of the Hebrew Bible (except Nehemiah and Esther) were found at Qumran... the book of Enoch among them... (https://www.imj.org.il/en/content/welcome-israel-museum)
Middle Ages...
Obscurantism takes hold of the developed civilization in Europe and darkness falls heavily on the Planet.
It is impossible to count the martyrs at that time. They paid with their lives for their quest for justice by fighting against servitude, absolute ignorance, illiteracy and the extreme poverty of the people.
Around 1118 AD the Order of the Poor Knights of Christ and the Holy Trinity was born. ​​​The Templars of Christ practically disappeared with the death of Jacques de Molay - condemned to death at the stake on April 13, 1314.
A few decades later, the destruction of the Cathars, who lived in the south of France (Languedoc region), took place. Once again, the shadows attacked the light. The Cathars (also known as Cathari from the Greek Katharoi meaning "pure") were a dualistic medieval religious sect that flourished in the 12th century and challenged the authority of the Catholic Church. They were also known as the Albigensians, after the city of Albi. It was an important center of Cathar belief. Cathar priests lived simply, owned no property, imposed no taxes or penalties, and considered men and women equal. Their concepts appealed to many who no longer had faith in the Church. The Cathars were condemned as heretics by the Catholic Church and massacred during the Albigensian Crusade (1209–1229). (https://www.cathares.org/definition-du-catharisme-apparition-communautes-eglises-cathares-doctrine-sacrements-rites.aspx)
""The Templars did not participate in the crusades against the Cathars... one of the probable causes of its decline and end of the Order of the Temple could be the inability to directly and publicly protect the Cathars. The Templars did not give priority to heresy. By not supporting the Cathars they broke the supreme law of the purpose of their mission..."
(Guard Anna, Nolla Antoine. Marie Magdalene, Cathares et Templiers. 2021.)
...and much more...
# What Archaeology can brings us as proof that our true history is far from what we have been told. Tartary, for example, left us a legacy that has been hidden from us for centuries...
# Quantum Sciences have brought us proof that we, human beings, are not just matter, but the divine quintessence experimenting, in this dimension, condensed energy (matter).
# Doctrinal movements such as Theosophy, Anthroposophy, Kardecism, among others, are little known and even stigmatized by many of their detractors.
# Ignorance leads us to become victims of Social Engineering, which is a practice of psychological manipulation in order to take advantage of those who are manipulated...
"For millennia there have been several altruistic souls who have incarnated leaving us major initiatory works. These writings are the history of humanity and must not be lost or ignored.
This heritage will allow us to access the construction of a collective consciousness of light on the planet, through research and critical sorting of this body of knowledge."
(BTI Expertise)
"You shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free." (John 8:32)
In the Year 2025 starting APRIL :
A book title will be set every 2 months.
The book theme is to be discussed
in-person / online on every 18th day. ​
In the first month, a presentation
will take place of the theme addressed
by the chosen book.
Members of the BTI Club wishing to do so
are very welcome.
The presentations will be recorded on
RUMBLE, BTI Expertise channel, allowing later visualizations according to your availability.
In the second month, a in-person / online meeting to interact with the group on the theme of the book will take place.​​​​​​​​​​​
Groups are composed of maximum of 15 - 20 participants, so everyone can speak.
Some suggested works are from:
- Rudolf Steiner
- Hildegard von Bingen
- David Bohm
- Krishnamurti
- Enel
- Rupert Sheldrake
- Gerald Pollack
- Peter Deunov ...
​If this project speaks to your inner self, come and joins us!